Four Rules To Be A Happy Developer

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Four Rules To Be A Happy Developer
harley Ferguson

Work in a stack you enjoy

There are over 2000 computer programming languages in use today. That's just languages. We're not even thinking about database options, libraries, frameworks or architectures.

Find a stack that you enjoy working in which has a lot of room for learning. This will help keep you engaged from a growth perspective but also keep the work fun.

Working in a stack that you don't enjoy is a one way ticket to killing your enthusiasm to grow or elevate your skills.

Find the right stack for you, at this point in your career, and make the most of it.

Find projects that fulfill you

Software development has more demand than supply.

Almost every company out there is looking for some sort of software to be built. This creates a lot of opportunity for work but not all of those opportunities are going to fulfill you or resonate with your values.

If possible, avoid taking on projects that won't personally fulfill you.

For example, I'd refuse to build any form of software that revolves around betting or gambling. I don't believe building something like that would make the user's life better and is rather just about making money.

You can build software that can make money and make the user's life better at the same time. That's the sort of work I find most enjoyable.

Leave your ego at the door

Everybody has an ego. There is no denying that.

The problem comes in when we let our egos drive us. We use it to try impress everyone else around or to protect ourselves from criticism. It's not healthy.

In order to help remove the anxiety from your day to day, try to forget about your ego. Don't always try to appear smart and rather ask questions when you don't understand something. Don't fear comments on your pull requests but rather embrace the opportunity to learn and grow.

Calming your ego will lead to more learning, less stress and a happier experience.

Be the leader your team deserves

At some point in your career you'll find yourself in charge of a project or team.

This is an amazing opportunity to make a real difference on a project and a team but it can also have an impact on your outlook and attitude.

Try to remember: be the leader you always wanted

Some of us were lucky enough to have great leaders and mentors to make our careers better but not everyone is so lucky. Actually, most aren't so lucky.

I can guarantee you that you will find far more satisfaction and fulfillment from helping others grow their careers than writing code yourself. Realize that your role as leader is not to output the most features but rather nurture the team.

Seeing those around you begin to blossom brings about a level of happiness that cannot be matched.

Hopefully you can apply these rules to your day-to-day work and really enjoy the career you've chosen.

See you again next week.

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