[FREE BOOK] 101 Tips For Becoming A Better Developer

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[FREE BOOK] 101 Tips For Becoming A Better Developer
harley Ferguson

Today marks the launch of my debut book, 101 Tips For Becoming A Better Developer.

I spent a lot of time breaking down core tips from my near decade in the industry, as well as chatting to other developers to get their take on what tips are most important.

This book is packed with knowledge from a 10 year career, but can be read in 1 hour.

Let's dive in.

What's the purpose of this book?

In 101 Tips For Becoming A Better Developer, I highlight the most important tips that any developer needs to know.

Each tip is accompanied by a quick and easy-to-understand explanation, making it the perfect resource for busy developers who want to improve their craft without dedicating hours to reading lengthy technical manuals or mindset books.

This book is a simple roadmap that outlines what you should focus on as a developer. You'll be able to easily consume and quickly apply the tips and techniques in this book so that you can make sure you're becoming a great developer.

Who is it for?

This book is for every developer out there who wants to be their best. From intern to senior. Even the most veteran developer could stand to learn a thing or two.

It is a field manual. Pick it up. Read it. Gain learnings. Apply them.

I wrote it to be direct and to the point. Nobody wants to dedicate hours of reading to only learn a thing or two.

Is the book really free?

100% free. Seriously.

I wanted to create something that can easily help every developer out there. I felt the best way to do this was to create a free field manual that all developers can easily consume and learn a thing or two from.

While I do have further content (a course, private community and another book) on the way, it was important to me to keep this free, so that it can help as many developers as possible.

Where can I get it?

Here it is!

Please feel free to share the link with any other developers that you think could benefit from the tips.

Reach out on LinkedIn to let me know if you enjoyed it or any tips that you'd like to add!

I loved writing this book and I really hope that you enjoy it. If you do, please give it a 5 star review on Gumroad!

See you again next week.