How a growth mindset can turn you into a powerful developer

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How a growth mindset can turn you into a powerful developer
harley Ferguson

All the best developers have a powerful growth mindset.

It's crucial in this day and age, as well as in this industry, to develop a good growth mindset and use it to level-up your career.

If you're unsure what a growth mindset is or how it can help you accelerate your career, it's time to learn.

Let's dive in.

What is a "growth mindset"

A growth mindset is a belief that you are always able to improve. Your talent, abilities and intelligence can all be developed through dedication, hard work and perseverance.

Adopting a growth mindset emphasises that your knowledge and skills are a journey. There is no destination and you're always looking for ways to drive forward and improve yourself.

Those with a growth mindset embrace challenges, see failure as a mechanism to learn and love the journey

How to build a growth mindset

Building a growth mindset is about rewiring your brain.

You need to adjust how you perceive challenges, effort, failure and success. It takes time, but the rewards are endless.

Here are some methods that I've used to help build and develop my growth mindset:

  1. Embrace challenges: Seek out opportunities to challenge yourself and develop new skills. This will help you grow and adapt to different situations in your career.
  2. Cultivate a love for learning: Continuously learn and stay up-to-date with the latest technologies, programming languages, and industry trends. This will increase your knowledge and make you more marketable and valuable as a software developer.
  3. Be persistent: When you face obstacles or setbacks, don't give up. I know it's the easier option and looks too enticing but, never give in. Learn from your mistakes and keep pushing forward. Remember, failure is just a stepping stone towards success.
  4. Seek feedback: Actively ask for feedback from colleagues, mentors and employers. Constructive criticism will help you identify areas of improvement and refine your skills.
  5. Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations: Instead of saying "I can't do this" or "I'm not good enough," try saying "I can learn this" or "I will improve with practice." This shift in mindset will help you stay motivated and focused on growth.

The amazing thing about all of these methods is that they transcend this industry. You'll become a smarter, more hard-working and positive person in all aspects of life with a growth mindset.

Use your growth mindset to skyrocket your career

Now let's take what we've learned in the above and apply it to our careers.

Use your growth mindset to help you in every aspect of your career. Networking, problem-solving, learning new things and growing your soft skills are all aspects that will naturally improve as you grow.

This is the reason for so many of the best developers out there having an amazingly powerful growth mindset.

They didn't create a powerful growth mindset because they're great developers, they became great developers because they had a powerful growth mindset.

Keep that in mind.

Create your growth mindset.

Use it every single day.

Skyrocket your career.​

See you again next week.