How can you help me become a better developer?

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How can you help me become a better developer?
harley Ferguson

This is the most common question I get asked. I love that and I'm so grateful for this feedback. But just like a bad cloud architecture, my time doesn't scale to do justice to all the dozens of daily comments or direct messages that I receive from ambitious developers all looking to grow and learn.

The day is simply not long enough for me to answer or help each and every one of you individually. Plus, some people prefer learning through reading, while others prefer courses or podcasts. For that reason, I've been hard at work to create a bunch of offerings, all aimed at helping you become the best developer possible.

Let's dive in.

The 10X Podcast

I'm so excited to be announcing this. It's official.

The 10X Podcast is officially launching later this month. This podcast will feature myself interviewing ridiculously successful people in the tech space. Top developers, start-up founders, investors, coaches, creators. We've got them all good to go.

Episodes will be coming out each Wednesday, featuring myself and one guest where we break down their story, how they achieved success and what you can learn from them to help you on your journey.

Guests like Roman Frolov, Richard Donovan and Brian Jenney are only a few guests from the dozen episodes we've already recorded and are on the way to your ears. This podcast is going to be seriously insightful and I hope you will all learn as much as I have from these powerful conversations.

This podcast will be completely FREE and available on all major platforms.

The 10X Community

As I said, it's sometimes difficult to individually respond to all of the comments and messages I get on LinkedIn. Beyond that, it's also tough for others to learn from one another as those conversations are private. Enter The 10X Community.

This will be a private Discord for developers that are serious about their careers, growing themselves and truly becoming a 10x developer.

I'll be doing weekly workshops where I'll have a call with our community and breakdown a specific topic or question. I'll be sharing my thoughts, experiences and advice with you all in real time. We'll also be having private Q&A sessions with myself and other top developers, where the audience can have any question answered so we can all learn and grow together.

This will be launching later this year. I'm currently looking for dedicated moderators so please reach out if you have experience and would be interested in helping build an amazing community for only the most passionate developers.


I've had to keep this under wraps but I can finally announce it: I will be making my first premium course.

Here's the idea: let's take everything that I've learned and put it into a course that will take you less than 2 hours to consume.

10 years of experience. Dozens of successful projects built as a developer. Hundreds of developers that launched their careers through my coaching. Multiple companies built from the ground up to millions in revenue. 1000s of hours in conversations learning from only the best developers out there.

All of the lessons, advice and systems you need to take you from an intern to a tech lead without any of the bullshit. I'm focusing on making the course as straight to the point as possible so that you all gain the most value from it. How to build the right mindset, how to learn new things quickly, systems to use to rapidly improve yourself and advice for every single point of your career only some of the things that you'll gain access to.

This course will be launching in July 2023. So in just a month you'll have access to everything that I've learned through my career that you can take and apply to yours.

As a subscriber to The 10X Developer newsletter, you'll be receiving a 33% discount at launch as my way of saying thank you.

I know this course will help all of you absolutely skyrocket your careers and I'm really excited to watch it happen.

101 Tips For Becoming A Better Developer

This book has been out for a few months and has already been downloaded over 1300 times. Hundreds of developers have reached out to me to say how much the book helped them, which is all I wanted to achieve.

If you haven't heard, this book is filled with 101 expert tips, each accompanied by a quick and easy-to-understand explanation, making it the perfect resource for busy developers who want to improve their craft without dedicating hours to reading lengthy technical manuals.

Did I mention it's entirely FREE? That's right. As a subscriber to this newsletter, you'll get a free copy. Grab yours here.

My goal continues to be to help developers accelerate their careers to new heights. I believe that through all of these different offerings, from books to a podcast, from a course to a community, I will be able to help as many developers as possible to truly take their careers to the next level.

See you again next week.