How To Earn More Money As A Developer in 2023

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How To Earn More Money As A Developer in 2023
harley Ferguson

The demand for skilled developers has never been higher and in 2023, the trend is set to continue.

Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting in the field, there are numerous opportunities available to increase your earning potential. However, making more money as a developer isn't just about technical skills.

In this issue, we'll explore the various strategies that you can implement to increase your income as a developer in 2023. From expanding your skill set to negotiating your salary, we'll cover everything you need to know to take your bottom-line to the next level.

Let's dive in.

Increase your base salary

It's the most obvious yet the most overlooked option.

If you're an employed developer, as most of us are, the simplest way to earn more money without necessarily having to trade more time is to increase your salary.

This is easier said than done, but here are some tips how to go about asking for a raise:

  • Ask your employer for a list of qualities that are required to take you to the next income level
  • Get feedback from your team on what you're missing and what you should focus on
  • Work hard to implement those changes and make it very visible that you've improved
  • Present your increased value to your employer and ask for a salary conversation to go along with the extra value you provide

Salary conversations are tough and, unfortunately, I don't have all the answers as there are too many variables at play for each individual and the company they work at. What I will say is that if you've done the above (i.e. identified the goal, worked hard to improve and achieved the goal) and your company doesn't want to give you an increase, then it takes us to our next point.

Find another company

Companies are always looking for developers. Especially ones that are willing to grow, learn fast and provide value.

If your current company doesn't acknowledge your efforts, then it may be time for you to look elsewhere.

The term "job hopping" has become very popular in the last decade or so, especially among developers. The reason being is that there is a trend of companies willing to offer more to secure new talent, than increase the amount they pay their existing talent. What this means is that you could work endlessly and only get a small percentage increase each year but if you were to look for a job at another company, you could be looking at a massive increase for the same work and effort.

A lot of developers spend a year or two at a company before looking for the next one, because they know it's generally easier to get an increase by moving, than trying to get your current employer to pay more.

This approach works for some and doesn't work for others. It comes down to your personal preference and your ability to market yourself.

Start freelancing

If you're wanting more income and have the time, looking for opportunities to freelance is always a good way to earn extra cash. What you put in is what you get out.

Finding opportunities to freelance and negotiating the contract is it's own newsletter, (don't worry, it's on the way). But if you have a freelance opportunity or know how to secure a good opportunity, I'd suggest exploring it, as freelancing will not only bring in more money, but also teach you a lot of valuable skills about working with clients.

Increase your surface area

Be active on LinkedIn. Attend meet-ups. Network with other developers and companies.

By becoming more well-known, you're increasing the surface area you have for potential work.

That work could be anything from full-time employment offers, freelance opportunities, collaboration efforts or paid talks. The list is virtually endless.

By being well connected and having proven the value you provide, opportunities will present themselves and allow you to increase your income.


With the improvements in AI, code-generation tools and low-code platforms, it's becoming more and more important to specialize.

The need for developers to write boilerplate code or do the grunt work is becoming less with each passing year. There are endless tools that can now do that for us. This means that you need to differentiate yourself and stand out above these tools and, most importantly, other developers.

Becoming an expert in a specific technology or industry can make you more valuable to employers, which can lead to higher-paying jobs. You'll be more sought-after and with demand, comes opportunity for you to make more money.

Create content

Creating content for an audience is a way to generate some serious income in a somewhat passive manner.

Content like podcasts, blog posts, newletters, tech talks, books and courses are all forms of content that you can create, package and sell.

If you have an audience that trusts you and have the ability to produce high-quality content that is in demand, then you have an opportunity to sell that valuable information to others who want it.

Be a salesperson

​In my upcoming debut book, 22 Laws For Developers, law number 16 is "Be A Salesperson".

The summary of this law is that while you're a developer, you are also a salesperson. You are selling your value to your employer. You are selling your expertise to a client. You are selling your worth to connections. You are selling your knowledge to an audience.

The better you are at selling, the more money and more opportunities you'll get. This I can guarantee.

22 Laws For Developers expands on this concept in far more detail, but don't worry, you'll be the first to know when it launches so you can leverage 10 years of learnings to make the most of your career.

We've only touched the surface of each of these methods to increase your income this year. As 2023 goes on, we'll have further newsletter issues to break down each topic into more detail so we can really make sure that you are maximizing your earning potential this year.

Let's make 2023 the most profitable year for you yet.

See you again next week.