How To Stay In The Loop As A Developer

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How To Stay In The Loop As A Developer
harley Ferguson


I don't use Twitter as a social media. I use it as an information tool.

What do I mean by this?

I only follow people who tweet about software and share their opinions which help inform my own.

Use your feed as a source of information and advice, not entertainment, and you'll learn so much more.

You'll notice multiple people speaking about the same new library or a new open source project that is worth your time looking in to.

This will help you stay informed and on the edge.

My follow suggestions:

Kent C Dodds

Jack Forge

Well Paid Geek


Most languages and frameworks have a bunch of libraries or packages that are specifically designed for it.

The "Awesome X" is a practice of sharing the latest and best libraries or packages to partner with your chosen technology.

Some examples:




As a frontend-focused developer who runs an agency that specializes in mobile and web development, I need to stay informed on what the latest UI and UX trends are.

dribbble is where I go to find what I need.

With thousands of design portfolios and free app designs, I'm able to see how the market is moving and also find some well needed inspiration from time to time.


This is a bit of an obvious one. YouTube has probably created more self-taught developers than any other institution thanks to the many teachers out there who share what they know with others on the platform.

My personal favourites for learning more about a topic or hearing what's the latest JavaScript framework:

Fireship - From beginner to expert, you'll find something of interest on this channel as well as all the latest trends

Traversy Media - Awesome content for learning computer science and learning the basics

Forrest Knight - For gaining insights into the industry and things outside of writing code


Every stack has their own convention of two (I personally love React Summit).

With the world becoming more remote, more and more conferences have online options that allow you to attend from home.

I highly suggest investigating what conferences you'd be interested in and attending as many as possible.

The content shared will speak directly to the latest news that's happening in your specific stack or language.

Plus hearing speakers talk will just make you so excited to get coding.

Hopefully you found some of these points to be of use to you and your routine.

I suggestion using a combination of all of them each day, and adding some of your own, to help make sure that you're always in the loop as a software developer.

See you again next week.

Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Join my community on LinkedIn and engage with me directly (2400+ followers)
  2. Set up a 1:1 coaching session with me (25+ students) [Booked out 2-3 weeks]
  3. Reach out to Origen Software for us to solve your problems (for founders and start-ups)