Welcome to The 10X Developer

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Welcome to The 10X Developer
harley Ferguson

Hey there!

Harley here. Thanks so much for subscribing to The 10X Developer newsletter! We're happy to have you on board.

You're joining dozens of other developers who all are looking to learn and grow their careers rapidly.

My Story

In 2016, I was let go from my first job as a software developer.

I didn't know how to build software. I didn't understand how to work with clients. I couldn't pick up new things fast enough. I was falling behind.

People said I had chosen the wrong career. That I wouldn't amount to anything and that I should try something else.

I refused to accept this. Instead, I built a system and a new mindset.

I studied the tactics, tools and approaches that incredibly successful developers use and implemented it for myself.

The results were pretty phenomenal.

In 6 years, I went from an intern to a tech lead & CEO. I've applied that system and mindset every single day for the past 6 years and the results speak for themselves.

→ Intern to tech lead in 5 years at a multinational 50+ developer consultancy
→ Lead multiple teams to successful delivery
→ Helped dozens of other developers rapidly grow and accelerate their careers
→ Created platforms that are used by 100 000s of users
→ Invested in and helped found multiple startups that are disrupting their industries
→ Co-founded my own development agency to help other founders, startups and companies build their platforms

If you want to learn more about how I achieved this, follow me as I share everything that I've learned.

My Goal

My goal is to teach every developer who is early in their journey, what I learned late in mine.

→ How to learn concepts fast

→ How to increase your productivity and output

→ How to engage with your team and client

→ How to be a better leader to those around you

→ How to navigate moving from junior to tech lead

If I can help you get to where I am in less time than myself then I’ve done my job.

The Purpose

The purpose of The 10X Developer newsletter is to share weekly actionable advice and insights on how to elevate your skills, impact and income as a developer using the exact same approach that I used and what I've taught to dozens of other developers.

Check your inbox each Saturday for the latest piece of knowledge!

All the best,
